Day 14: To each their own way

Day 14: To each their own way


Some talk- and that’s all they do,
Some walk without, a sideways glance,
On rainy- and sunny days alike.
(Each, their own way of living life).

Some watch, from their windows high,
Mastered in knowing, others daily lives,
A deflection, from the thoughts encroaching.
(To Each, their own way of coping).

Some greet, with a cheery smile,
Strangers and known folks alike;
Some find it, a hypocritical act.
(Each, their own way of living life).

Some sigh, at the sight of love-
Two hands entwined and the silver shines,
dreaming, of what they might never have.
(To each, their own way of coping)

Some live, without loving life-
Oh, the scent of pine trees abound at dawn;
Trudging, through twenty four hours.
(Each their own way of living life).

Day 14: something beginning with T and Day 15: Love. This is in response to December Poetry Challenge 31 poems in 31 days. 

11 thoughts on “Day 14: To each their own way

  1. A beautiful piece of poetry, Ameena! The comparison between two personalities in each stanza is beautifully portrayed. Every reader would have felt connected to it in some or other way! 🙂

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