Writer’s Quote: Henry Ward

Writer’s Quote: Henry Ward


          This is my submission to Writer’s quote Wednesday, hosted by silver Threading. I wish I could follow up with a few words but after a long week(end), a quote pic is as much as I could handle. Thankfully, Henry ward’s quote has done the bulk of the taking. Still, I plan to do better next time. Hope you have a stress-free and worry-free week ahead.

Not today…

Not today…


Sometimes, it feels being sensitive is a curse. You feel things- deeply, a little too deeply. It hurts, you need your heart to bleed but it doesn’t, you need the tears to fall but they won’t. And you stare- blank- at a wall, at mother nature, the earth, the skies, crying inwardly.

Your chest- it rises and falls and rises and falls. You feel the steady beat of your heart, in a regular rhythm. You take one look around and wonder. Where did I go wrong. Where did we go wrong.

You want to help. You stand up- take a walk on short steps to nowhere. Pondering all the while. Needing to blame somebody, yourself. And you wonder… You just keep wondering. What if it was me? And you wish all the pain they going through could be brought to you so that they could be free.

And the tears still wouldn’t come. You get back, sit down… Force your head, your mind, coerce it into falling asleep. It’s morning. The rays of the sun light up the room. It’s there, in your head again. It never left- the thought, the worry.

No… No, not this time. Morning has come and it’s a new dawn. You wash and say your morning prayer. Sitting on the carpet with hands raised- you pray. You pray for the soul of the ones in pain with burdens they don’t think they can handle. You pray for the minds to be at ease, you pray for despair to depart their being.

And it clicks, just like that- it clicks. And you remember, the one who created the skin from dust- He knows. He sees and He hears. It could have been you but it wasn’t because that was their test not yours. But you’re not free and you know it, you know your test is great too. You have an obligation to love and love and care for them- which is a great test indeed. Some people, they don’t need to be told “I’m going to save you”, all they need is a little “I love you”, “I’ll be there for you”

And there and then, you make a new resolution. To try your best to be there for them. And if they don’t make it… Nah, it’s not time to worry yet and you know it, deep down you know it. You let that feeling take over, you pick up the broken pieces in you, forget about you- and go, selflessly, to help that broken soul. It’s not time to worry… Not today.

The beautiful street image above is courtesy of Rufus Mangrove who blogs at Everyday Aperture


Tedx: is coming to town!

Tedx: is coming to town!


       Hey guys, so I sort of really need your help. Tedx organization, which I’m sure most of you have come across; if you haven’t, it is an organization which provides a platform for individuals to share their ideas and stories for the benefit of others. Well, Tedx is coming to my university this August!

Yup, the form is out and in the open for the students. Here’s the problem, the topic is “Vision” and I am at a loss as to what “story/idea” I should talk about. At first, I thought about “Self esteem” because I feel like it’s basically the backbone to everything. We need self-esteem to build the courage, in order to take our visions places. I wanted to talk about building each other’s esteem and the importance of family in regards to it.

But now, I would love to know what other topics you feel I could talk about which is under the spectrum of “Vision”. Especially for those of my followers who have been reading my posts for a while now, what other topics do you think fit perfectly with me and vision. I would really appreciate your feedback.


V- Verily

V- Verily


For verily,
Just as the waves collapse at shore,
And rocks crumble upon force;

Just as the sun sets at dusk,
And night arrives before dawn;

Just as flowers bloom then wilt,
And pollens meet and kiss;

Just as opposite poles attract-
In a field of magnetic power;

Just as Summer changes to fall,
And greens of leaves turn brown;

So will the turmoil of today fade-
As a new day rejuvenates.


Not Yet Time To Worry-

Not Yet Time To Worry-


It’s not yet time to worry-
he said,
You’ll know when it arrives;
It’s different, takes us up by storm-
and shatters every glass.

So don’t you fret my dear-
he said,
we’re way too far from worry;
Can’t feel the clouds announcing here,
storms not yet approaching.

And worry not did I,
At winds that blew wild at me;
Some glasses still remain intact,
so its not time to worry.
Not yet… anyway