Of the darkness-

Of the darkness-


I know the darkness is consuming,
And the cracks are fit too tight,
For the golden rays to traverse,
Illuminating whats inside.
I know the smooth road’s more inviting,
Cause you’ve roughed most of your life;
And though seasons change from summer
to winter, the darkness stays constant.

I know these things cause I’ve lived that life,
When dusk and day are alike;
When the tear drops from the heavens above,
Mix with those from your eyes.
When the incessant battle in your head,
Reflects in the black you adorn;
And you bite your tongue each time the words,
I’m fine slips from your mouth.

I know the darkness is consuming,
And the light seems far away;
But I’ve been there and I tell you-
It’s a long journey with spiral corks,
Which in the end, the path will straighten,
Though you doubt that will come true;
But only so much darkness can circle around,
Before inevitably, the light shines through.

The above image is courtesy of Medyafaresi.com


57 thoughts on “Of the darkness-

  1. Beautiful and so true! ❤ It can be a scary place but ultimately like you say the path WILL straighten. Thanks for sharing your beautiful words 🙂 xo

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Fantastic! One of my favourites you’ve written. I love the last part best: “But only so much darkness can circle around, before the light gets through.”

    Liked by 3 people

  3. Wonderful poem Ameena. I have literally lived this.
    “And you bite your tongue each time the words,
    I’m fine slips from your mouth.”
    –It’s funny because I actually wouldn’t say, ‘I’m fine’. When people would ask me ‘how are you?’, I would say, ‘anxious’, or something like that. Because that was my reality. Thank God He has brought me through that and strengthened me by it.
    The message of hope at the end is perfect, because ultimately, if we wait long enough, the light does shine through. Tenacity is the key. And faith.
    Hope you are well and had a beautiful weekend.
    🙂 ❤

    Liked by 1 person

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