Dream of a Dreamer

Dream of a Dreamer


Blur out the grey lines,
Take down the veil;
I stand with the hopeless,
Till they regain faith;
Till the grey lines are blurred out,
And stigma erased;
Till depression and bi-polar,
Slowly fade away;
Some may call me a dreamer,
For demanding such change.

So I write and I bleed out words,
To help ease the pain;
That our insides are suffering but-
We can’t dare explain;
I am but one hopeless with an-
urge to make a change;
That a smile may form somewhere
As my words are read away;
That a rose may find reason,
To bloom once again;
And a wrist may get kisses
From now, everyday.

Resolution, Reflection

Resolution, Reflection

Looking back on the past few years now, I’ve come to the realization that with each year for me, it’s a downward spiral and sometimes with a corkscrew pattern except for 2014. That was a roller coaster, it sunk deep but in the end rose high. The year 2012 was bad, 2013 was worse and 2014 well, it was hopelessly awesome. The first half I was hopeless and the other half has been an incredible journey, so yeah, it was hopelessly awesome.

My resolution track record has not been good. Last year, I quit the gym by the end of February 😀 . Two months is something right. In 2013, the book I was meant to finish writing was left dead midway with the death of my hard drive. I learnt one thing though, always keep an extra copy or file. When it comes to saving written works, don’t put all your eggs in one basket.

I rung the new year alone in my apartment, gazing from the balcony at the beautiful fireworks blazing. Perks of living on the top floor is you get to have a great view. Here in Sudan, it is a double celebration because January 1st also marks their Independence Day. I have never been able to stick to a certain task or thing, I am single so go figure (just kidding) . But really, I never stick to things so making a resolution is not going to work for me. Still, I decided to make a List:

1) Go to the gym at least three times a week.
2) Stop getting on my sister’s nerves.
3) Quit procrastination.
4) Trade my Enid Blyton books for adult novels.
5) write In my journal everyday.

And these are the resolutions that I know are NOT going to work. I hate the gym, I feel it’s my job to disturb my sister; quitting procrastination ehh, I’m not there yet, maybe reducing it; I get tired of writing and as for Enid Blyton, maybe next year.

With or without resolution, the past months I have learnt:


Thanks to Eclectic Corner for hosting this   image