She Lives on Forever-

She Lives on Forever-


She is not a writer,
Or trying to inspire;
In fact if you ask her-
She is in need of inspiration.
But they judge from her writing,
And they think that she’s broken;
And the words filled on paper-
Are of a heart that’s been bleeding.
And she grins at their gossip,
When she hears them in whispers;
Writing is not a weakness,
It’s a strength conferred to her-
By laws beyond understanding,
Of those who dwell In ignorance.
So They keep to their gossip,
Being stuck in the same spiral;
But she does keep on writing,
Traversing writing boundaries;
And her name makes the papers,
And she lives on for centuries;
While the bones have been decayed-
Of both her and the gossipers;
that’s the strength of her writing,
That she lives on forever.