Writer’s Quote: Emily Dickinson

Writer’s Quote: Emily Dickinson


It’s not often we get the pleasure of an Emily Dickinson’s poem without the metaphor or in depth meaning. Just plain ole simplicity with clear cut message. I was glad I came across the above words of hers on Pinterest this week.

We get so busy, writing, reading, working, making a living; we get carried away, trying to smoothen the rough tracks of our lives and all it takes sometimes, Is a smile on the face of one person to remind us to breathe, even if only for a second. All it takes, is a smile on the face of a stranger to get the wires in our brain to pause from it’s activity and let our face muscles relax to return the gesture. We know a kind word can do a lot, but forget that a smile can do a lot too.

Receiving a smile from a loved one makes us feel good, but from a stranger or someone we just met, it gives us something to think about all through the day. And I’m not talking about those creepy stalker smiles we receive, I mean genuine smiles. When we stay too long at the cashier but the next person on the counter just smiles rather get angry, when we act ridiculously clumsy in public and receive a smile from the stranger across- that’s the kind I’m talking about.

I know, it’s that time of the year when the deadlines are looming. We’ve made a resolution to complete our novel and we’re only a few chapters through the first draft, exams are around the corner for some and end of the year activities are driving us nuts, bottom line is- we’re red neck busy. I just want us to remember that it takes little to smile. And when we do receive one, let’s try our best to pass it on, we never know who might need it. I know, a smile wouldn’t help to finish a novel, but it will help you feel better while completing it.

This post is in response to Writer’s Quote Wednesday. It’s great to be back blogging again and thank you for your wishes. 🙂

Only a moment-

Only a moment-


And I know
You’re a disaster,
Waiting to occur;
A volcano,
Waiting to erupt;
But for a brief moment
I give in to delusions-
Hoping maybe,
It’ll be roses
‘Stead of molten;
And you’ll be my charming
‘Stead of the reality
I know, you are.

The brief moment-
Was all it took,
To smear your molten,
And burn wounds;
But honey,
It was only a moment-
It hurt,
It burns,
I’ll survive.
You deluded
Me with words;
But you can be charming
For only so long,
Before reality,
Deals you
An unwelcoming knock.
I won’t stick around
To soothe or numb;
I hoped you were charming,
I was wrong…

NO simply means Next Option

NO simply means Next Option


For this week’s inspiration, I found this quote that was written by a friend of mine, Aminah Ojetola. This is a first for me, hearing the word ‘NO’ used in such way and it inspired me. We as writers, hear Nos’ a lot of times- whether it’s a story that gets rejected or a poem that wasn’t selected. Even this week, I submitted a poem which didn’t get short listed. And that was when I saw this quote, at a time when I needed it. I hope this inspires you all as much it has me. And remember the next time you hear the word No, it simply means “on to the Next Option”. 

Hopefully this time, I’m not the last to submit in my writer’s quote 😉 .

Sticks & stones

If you’d like to participate in Writer’s quote Wednesday or would love to read more inspirational quotes, then head over to Silver threading where she is hosting this event.


What poetry Means to Me.

What poetry Means to Me.


He asked what it means to me
But I Couldn’t put in words
How can I describe so vaguely-
Poetry with all it’s grandeur

It’s the air that I breathe in-
In the pulse of my beat;
The sound of my wheeze-
The sight of the sun at its peak.

Don’t ask me to define poetry-
I can’t explain it;
It’s the essence of my being-
Every part of me… It’s ME.

The Beauty In Life

The Beauty In Life

It is complicated,
this life-
More so than I can comprehend;
The struggles we face,
In this life,
Makes the heart weary.
But yet within this life,
Is beauty,
When we look a little deep;
For the sun doesn’t shine,
For no reason,
A chance for happiness,
every dawn brings.

It can be draining-
This life,
If you let it, in a blink;
But when you fight for it-
This life,
Oh it’s beauty you will see;
For what it wants-
This life,
Is that you know
you are worth living it;
Then the rays of the sun,
Will hit you,
With all of its bounties.

Thanks to Aphrodite Anderson for inspiring me