Interview With Ameena K.G.

Interview With Ameena K.G.

I have been friends with this amazing lady and writer for two years now, and It was such an honour to be interviewed by her. I couldn’t be happier with the way the interview turned out. She is one of my biggest encourager with her constant support and it’s been such a blessing getting to know her. If you want to know what she asked, go go go check it out. 😄


Welcome to another edition of my bi-weekly interview series. I’m excited to share with you a talented and beautiful poet, writer, and interviewee — my friend of many years on WordPress — blogger Ameena K.G. The way her poems flow and the lessons they teach, often amaze me. You can visit Ameena’s blog here: Randoms by a Random.

ameena Ameena

1.Please Tell Us About Yourself Ameena:

My name is Ameena and I am from Nigeria, although for the past five-years, Sudan has been my home. I am currently studying there.

I am a medical student in my fifth-year. When I’m not busy studying, I love to write poetry and stories. I enjoy watching videos of poetry read out-loud on YouTube and watching documentaries on YouTube as well. Comedy is one of myfavourite genres to watch. Anything which makes me laugh is…

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It’s over at Hargun’s #4

It’s over at Hargun’s #4

It’s both a pleasure and an honor to be interviewed by the wonderful Hargun Wahi. I had the best time, chatting with her and trying to make this work despite time differences.
Below is the interview. Please do check it out 😊


Over at Hargun's

Sat Sri Akal! A warm welcome to all you this chilly winter evening. OAH is finally back  and it’s a girls’ day out this time.

We all in the blogging world know a person through their blog or the interaction with them in the comments section. But many times we form a bond with these people, we often look forward to seeing them in the blogging world and then we realize we have found a great friend! Or else, there may be personalities whose works are a big inspiration to you. Though virtual, these friendships and fan followings are real. And so here’s OAH, where we more than just meet and greet a fellow blogger, we see some unknown aspects of their life and we have loads of fun doing that!

Now, I hope you all are tucked tight in the blankets because if you are not, you just might…

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1 Year Anniversary!!!

1 Year Anniversary!!!


Randoms by a Random clocked one full year yesterday and I just want to scream out loud- “We did it!!!” This blog would not have been possible without every single one of you who liked, commented, re-blogged, followed and encouraged me. This time last year, I wrote my very first blog post and now, here I am with over 670 followers, an amazing network of bloggers and some wonderful people I am happy and proud to call my friends.

It’s been an amazing ride and journey. Through blogging, I fell in love once again with writing and I know now for a fact, I cannot go back to “not writing”. If anyone had told me someday I would be able to write a story and Flash fiction (which I thought was extremely difficult), I wouldn’t have believed them. I owe it to you guys, (particularly Priceless Joy and Joy roses) who encouraged me to write those stories anyhow, and now, I can’t stop writing them. Thank you.

Not to make this long and boring, but really thank you so much guys for helping me to fall in love with writing once again and for keeping this blog afloat. It’s all because of you.
PS: Khadijah I see you sneaking up on my stats ;). Thanks for the encouragement girl, I love you and you know it.

The highlight of my blogging year is this interview I conducted for writing201 of a dear friend of mine struggling with depression. It hit close to home and I regard it as one of my favorites. For my recent followers here’s the link: Living with depression and beating the odds

I would love to hear from you, what has been your favorite post so far or which of my categories do you look forward to the most?

Interview: Living with Depression and beating the odds

Interview: Living with Depression and beating the odds

This week, I had the chance to interview someone whose courage and strength I admire. This person has been suffering from depression, self-harm and is a multiple suicide attempt survivor. Yet, despite this illness, she has managed to take charge of her life, thrive and is now in her third year of medical school. Being born in Saudi and suffering from a mental illness, she shows that this illness isn’t only restricted to the west, it can happen to anyone regardless of religion or race. She prefers to stay anonymous and I respect her wishes so I’m not going to mention any names. But it was a pleasure interviewing her and I do hope this interview sheds some light on self harm and depression; and shows that you can survive and live your life despite the odds.

Tell me a bit about yourself
I am 22 turning 23 next March. I was born and raised in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA). Then I moved to Malaysia when I was seventeen for university. My brother was already there a year before me. I moved in with him and my cousin. I lived in Malaysia for three years; switched between electrical engineering and architecture throughout the three years. From there, I moved here to Sudan.

Wow, didn’t like the courses anymore?
Well, I couldn’t find myself in electronics engineering and I like to draw, so I thought I’d find myself in architecture and it wouldn’t be such a drastic change. But my dad had me change back (to engineering). I couldn’t get myself to go on with the courses so eventually, I got to transfer back to architecture.

Did your dad know you switched back to architecture?
Yeah my mum told him. At first he did mind, but there was nothing he could do really. Plus, it was my choice to make.

Yeah it is. Did you know a lot about mental health growing up?
My knowledge was of course limited and of course it still is, but I’ve always been greatly interested in that topic.

How old were you when you got diagnosed?
I was seventeen years and I was diagnosed with depression.

How did you find out?
Well, I’ve been depressed since my early teens but I never really knew what was wrong with me. And when I moved to Malaysia, it only got worse. I started self-harming and became extremely suicidal. I was very hesitant about seeing a doctor cause I was scared of my family’s reaction and how I was gonna be perceived. But a very close friend that I knew through twitter, who was (also) the only one who knew what was going on, managed to convince me to see a psychiatrist.

But how did you manage to hide the self-harm scars from people?
At first, I used to cut my legs only. When I started cutting my arms, I would do it in areas that weren’t noticeable. But after a bad incident, I had to start wearing long sleeves everywhere even at home which raised many questions from my brother and my cousin. But I always had a good answer ready.

What do you think is the relationship between depression and self harm? I mean, a lot of depressed people self harm, from your experience, why do you think it’s that?
Self harm is a way of coping with depression, or at least, it was for me. People that are depressed experience many emotions like emptiness, sadness, numbness and self hate. Expressing those emotions can be very difficult. And for some people, self mutilation is the only way they know how to do so. Read more