I’d like to believe-

I’d like to believe-


I’d like to believe,
There is more to the night,
Than unending scenarios,
Playing loud in my mind.

And I’d like to believe,
At the first string of light,
Someone somewhere experiences,
The joy of being alive,
Even if I’m not that.

I’d like to believe,
At the depth of an abyss,
Lay a bout of sunshine,
Enough to spring someone out.

And I’d like to believe,
The future can be bright,
And rock bottom can only,
Keep me down for a while.

I’d like to believe,
I can build from what I am,
And my darkness will dissipate,
As night gives way to  daylight,
I have to believe that.




How she missed those days,
When the weight of a heartbreak, of not being loved back was the worst tragedy she’d ever faced;
When cuddled pillows and soaked sheets were the gateway to peaceful dreams;
When large bowls of dark chocolate scoop ice creams were an Instant cure to anything…

How she missed those days,
When laughter felt genuine because it was;
When tears hurt for reasons she could put into words;
When she went to bed with the worst of pains, knowing, knowing for a fact it will get better with the coming dawn;

How she missed those days,
When reality was a beautifully crafted fairytale;
When nights were a beauty and her eyes twinkled at the sight of stars;
When being fine didn’t seem like a far fetched wish and happiness wasn’t history.

        And all she yearned, was for someone to say, I feel the same way too… 

If Magic was real-

If Magic was real-


If Rumple was here,
I’ll weave him a story;
In exchange for love,
I’d make him a sweet deal.

If Frankenstein came,
And Made an appearance;
I’d trade him that love-
So he knows what “to feel” means.

If Elsa were here,
I’ll steal her for a moment;
Whisper in her ears-
You’re perfect, snow queen.

If Mulan appeared
In my front, I’d trade places-
To be on the frontline,
Of what I believe in.

If magic were real,
I’d be queen of a castle-
With a Soul young at heart,
And create my happy after.

Day 4 of October Poetry Writing Month. And yup, I am way behind but still not going to quit. The prompt was: take the time to write a poem featuring magic; Have fun with it. I certainly had fun writing this, it was a nice break from dark, or heart break genres 😉 IMAGE CREDIT: Kiloby.com 

W- Waiting…

W- Waiting…


You should have been here-
To wipe the tears,
To see the smile,
And share in my moments;
You should have been here-
To see the pride,
The glow in my eyes-
I’d made it despite doubts;
You should have been here-
Not miles Away,
Engulfed in work,
Heedless of my gay moments;
You should have been here-
But alas! You’re not,
And I knew from the start,
Yet ignored the voice, wishing-
You should have been here-
But you didn’t show up,
Now I know for a fact,
But I can’t let it go;
So I wait till my heart stops saying
You should have been here.