Writer’s Quote-

Writer’s Quote-


How many times have we thought of stories to write and then let them slip away all because of the tiny voice in our head screaming ‘no, that’s too silly’? I personally can’t count the number of times I have let an idea go because I thought they wouldn’t work. But here’s the thing, how do we know they won’t work if we don’t even try it? How do we know they are indeed ‘silly’ if we don’t at least write it? We owe it to ourselves to give the ideas a chance, they aren’t going to write themselves. And even the most ridiculous thought written down is a million times better than the well-thought story left unwritten.

Just Imagine a world without Emily Dickinson or William Wordsworth’s poetry because they thought their wordings weren’t good enough; actually, I can’t even imagine. And How many worrible first drafts turned into best-selling finished products? Tens and hundreds. If you could take something after reading this post, I hope it is that, “even the silliest ideas and thoughts are worth being written” . Looking forward to reading your “out of this world” post and stories.

For more inspiring quotes, be sure to check out Silver Threading, where this event “Writers quote Wednesday” is being hosted.

Till next time… 🙂

34 thoughts on “Writer’s Quote-

  1. Great writer’s quote Ameena! I need to take this advice. Well… I’m sure we all need to take this advice! I want to write a book, but I MUST get better before I even consider it, but I have so far to go, so very very far to go. Now you, you are ready to write that BOOK! 🙂

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      1. You are welcome because you really are an excellent writer and I am looking forward to reading that book you publish one day. I know your studies are keeping you too busy now but at least you can be jotting down notes so it will be easy when you are able to start writing it. ((hugs)) xo

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      1. It really has been a while! I am ok, thank you! I’ve been really busy lately with work and a lot of different other subjects, but I still manage to find time to write even if I don’t end up posting them. But I do miss to do this more often! How have you been? I need to catch up on your posts as soon as I can! Kisses and lots of chocolates, sweetie! 😉

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