Blackouts (14)

Blackouts (14)


The shouts of school kids in the background awoke Allison from her light slumber. She turned around to find a couple of boys dressed in cream and brown uniforms, posing excitedly for a picture. The smiles on their faces was magical. For a moment, Allison wished she could go back in time.

She rose from the spot she’d been lying and offered the group some money to get candy. They jumped excitedly, hugging and thanking her- It was an overwhelming feeling.

The boys departed to get their treat leaving Allison wondering where Richard was. After all, it was his idea to spend the day at the beach after their nerve wrecking interview with the detectives the previous day.

Richard Blake had left while Allison was sleeping, to answer a call from his secretary. She knew he wasn’t taking any new cases so it had to be an urgent business. Turns out, a woman named Anna had called needing to speak to Richard. All she said was that it was about his daughter, Allison Blake

This post is in response to Flash fiction for Aspiring writers photo prompt challenge. The beautiful picture of the jolly boys above was lent to us by Ellespeth (Thank You). You can find the previous blackouts series HERE . Thanks for Reading. Word Count: 175.

Flash fiction: Blackouts (13)

Flash fiction: Blackouts (13)


Three dream catchers on the porch, three laptops, three pairs of pictures, threes’ of everything and Anna knew she was in the right place. This was undoubtedly “Harrison” aka “H”‘s house. For a genius, he paid little attention to his passwords; he was still the same man after all.

Images of a beautiful brunette woman were plastered all around the messy apartment. Most of them, disturbing. Anna gaped at the somewhat hundreds of images of Allison Blake. This wasn’t going to be the re-union she had hoped for.

A particular isolated picture captured her attention. It was of a stone walled, ancient looking church with one of those rare tower bells. She remembered how she had first met H coming home from a church. Her adrenalin kicked in. She realised what was happening, H was stalking his new prey just as he had stalked her. Anna made a resolve there in, if it was the last thing she did, she would save this woman, she would save Allison Blake. She got to work, beginning with H’s laptop.

This post is in response to Flash fiction for aspiring writers photo prompt challenge hosted by priceless Joy. Word count: 177, slightly over. This is also a continuation of my flash fiction series “Blackouts”. I’ve created a new sub category at the top of my page titled “blackout series” in order to make it easier to find all the other past episodes. Here’s the link: Blackouts Series

Flash Fiction: Blackouts 3

Flash Fiction: Blackouts 3


Professor Richard Blake, former top-gun defense attorney lived alone in a collosal yet hideous mansion. It had all the makings of a haunted house except that a living soul resided in it. After a messy divorce and lost custody battle of his two daughters, which left a bad mark on his resume, Richard Blake resorted to private law practice in the privacy of his mansion.

Everyone in the county knew the only two things Richard Blake gave a damn about were his daughters, Allison and Katy. The latter who had now passed away.

The sound of a telephone ringing broke the graveyard silence that seemed to always loom in the atmosphere. Richard picked up the receiver.
                        “Hello… I- need help”, the caller muttered.
Hearing such blunt words and the worrisome tone of his estranged daughter Allison, Richard felt a stab in his chest.

Word count: 159 words. This post in response to the weekly photo prompt writing challenge hosted by Flash fiction for aspiring writers. This is also a third in the series “blackout”. First time visiting, no worries; here are the links- Blackouts 1 and blackouts 2
             What do you think about the new character Richard Blake?

GONE GIRL: Throw me something better, I dare ya!

GONE GIRL: Throw me something better, I dare ya!


I have the bad habit of reading a book summary rather than going full on to read a book. Of course I have my reasons (Which might not be rational), but anyway- I hate Romance. Yup, I know hate is a big word and I dislike to use it, but in the case of romance, it is necessary. Btw, no offense to romance novel readers. I don’t know, some say it’s a phase (I doubt it) but for the time being, I still can’t stand romance books. I don’t like sci-if or post apocalyptic novels and I don’t like melodramas. Oh, I might also add that I don’t like to read books over a certain number of pages. I’m not one for gigantic novels.

Now, all that said; I have been hearing of a film called ‘Gone girl’. Everyone’s talking about it (on the net, they are) and it’s a novel adaptation. As experience has taught me, I went straight for the bulls horn and checked out the novel. Well, not technically. Basically, I googled ‘Gone girl’ and opened the link that directed me to Wikipedia. I read the summary and my God I was Stunned. I know it’s just a summary but that was one heck of a summary. I mean, it was good! Some may say, well it’s not the full book. But really it’s like this- If a movie trailer is bad, then very few people would watch it, personally I wouldn’t. Same goes for a book.

I love thrillers and Gone Girl, it encompasses everything, from thriller to suspense to a dead-awesome ending. It shows two sides of a story, which I find really appealing.
And at this moment, I feel bad about my writing skills because Gillian Flynn- she has re-written the standards to writing. Now, my new goal is- if I can write at least as good as Gillian Flynn in gone girl, then I’ve made it.