Flash Fiction: Regained Freedom

Flash Fiction: Regained Freedom


A loud rumbling sound followed by lighting, cracked across the sky. A few years ago, Laurie would have shivered at the sound and under no circumstances, laid a foot outside of her home. Today, as the cab trailed across the wet gravel roads, she sat unfazed. Living with a human who turns you into a punching bag tends to do that to a person.

For a moment, her vision was completely clouded- a mixture of the streaming drops on the widow pane and the water pool in her eyes. A flicker of doubt crossed her mind; one feel at the bandages wrapped around her knuckles was enough to remind her she made the right decision. The broken jaw she left him with was little solace, but she had had enough.

Throwing her head back on the head-rest, Laurie decided she’d wasted enough years on the fool to add another minute. She steered her thoughts to more important topics, like, choosing a flavor of ice cream to celebrate her regained freedom.

word count: 170 words. This story is in response to Flash Fiction for Aspiring Writers photo prompt challenge. Thank you Priceless Joy for this week’s creative picture. Click on the highlighted link above to participate or to simply read some amazing flash fictions, the more the merrier.

29 thoughts on “Flash Fiction: Regained Freedom

  1. This is great! I am so glad she is getting free of him! Enjoyed your story very much Ameena! There are two typos I wanted to point out if that’s okay. In the first paragraph, it should read…”laid a ‘foot’ outside of her home. And in the second paragraph, “…one feel ‘of ‘ the bandage…” Other than those two little tyos it is wonderful! And as always, thank you for participating in the Flash Fiction for Aspiring Writers Challenge!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Glad to hear he did not escape the incident without injury…which is often the case. I think it’s great that she broke away and can begin to enjoy life without the tense moments and injuries she has experienced. No one should have to experience abuse…especially physical abuse. Great story .

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Great story! Strong messages there as she liberates herself towards a safe and better life.
    It’s important for women to identify where to draw the line and how much to tolerate before calling it quits.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Poignant and well told, Ameena. No woman – and yes, sometimes a man – should be hit. In no way is that acceptable. Fortunately for her, she made the right decision to leave. There are many who fear leaving and end up in very bad places: cemeteries. Great choice togo this way with the prompt.
    Isadora 😎

    Liked by 2 people

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