Writer’s Quote: Soul Unraveled

Writer’s Quote: Soul Unraveled

For this week’s Writer’s quote/poem Wednesday, I’m going to take a personal detour. We all have those people in our lives who are much more than friends and are practically family. People who waltz into our lives unexpectedly and inadvertently take up a huge space in it; well, my friend/housemate/sister recently published her first poetry collection called Soul Unraveled.


This book is a journey through Love, heartbreak, abuse, and rising above it all. It touches on aspects of life in short free verses divided into six different chapters. The poems in this collection are raw and unfiltered especially when tackling issues such as sexual assault.

Now that I’ve talked the talk, Its time to walk that talk. Below are a few poems from “Soul Unraveled“. If you like what you read, you can pick up the book which is available in e-form and hardcopy on amazon. The link is at the bottom of the post.




You can also catch up with the writer on Instagram  @ Soul Unraveled

Available on Amazon: SoulUnraveled: Rising from the ashes 

If there are any book reviewers who would be willing to review this book, please send me an email at mykahani@yahoo.com


2 thoughts on “Writer’s Quote: Soul Unraveled

  1. Congrats to your friend/sister. 🙂 Oh yes, the difference some people can make in our lives!
    What courage and what a gift she has to be able to take tragic things that she has experienced and turn them into moving poetry which can speak to the hearts of others! Thank you for sharing!
    And someday…..well I think you know what I am going to say. I will gladly promote your book on my blog. 🙂 🙂 You know I had to add that! ❤


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