Flash Fiction: Foul play?

Flash Fiction: Foul play?


“What on God’s earth are you two doing?” Grandma demanded
“Get your heads outta my car!”
Uncles Jack and Paul, wriggled out from under the car and stood at attention under grandma’s scrutiny.

They’d gone to visit uncle Paul’s future father-in-law when the car stopped working midway, leaving them to walk through long muddy tracks to get to the house. They looked like a pair of scrawny adults after a mud play by the time they arrived and Paul’s fiancée declared “there is no way you’re meeting my father in this crappy state“. 
Both uncles Paul and Jack are convinced someone played a cruel joke on them and they were determined to find evidence of foul play.

“Don’t you want to know who we suspect?”, uncle Jack questioned Grandma.
She shifted her weight on one hip, sifted her fingers through graying hair, took a deep breath and said,
“you two- left my car- alone- in the middle of Lord knows where?”.
I didn’t wait around to see what happened next.

Word count: 171. This story is in response to Flash Fiction For Aspiring Writers photo prompt challenge where we write a 70-175 word story surrounding the provided photo prompt. This week’s image is courtesy of Pixabay. 

22 thoughts on “Flash Fiction: Foul play?

  1. Cute story Ameena! Sounds to me like grandma might be the culprit? Just want to remind you to link your story to the InLinkz story board. (If you already have, then I apologize. I haven’t seen the link come through yet).

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Hi. Actually WordPress sends most anything to my junk box. I’m going through it now. Another lady, had that problem last week, her comments on a blog I wrote kept disappearing, Not sure why, but it seems to have fixed itself now. Thanks for your comments and reading Ameena.

        Liked by 1 person

      1. Haha! :p I am a very curious person by nature, I don’t like wondering 🙂 I will remember that line about the fun part when I write a story leaving you hanging 🙂


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