


Why spend all your time writing? He asked
To create endings, she replied.

He never could understand and she never could explain. And on she wrote, till he tired of asking. How could she explain her search for closure in words. She wrote and created endings- some happy, some sad, some unexpected and some a replica of status quo, all in the hope that someday, the void left by the numerous souls who departed her life without goodbyes would be filled.

She kept on writing, in search of the closures she never had.

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36 thoughts on “Closure-

  1. Beautiful and evocative piece. They’re are people who do not read and write, they often do not understand people who do. They don’t know what they are missing. Your character is sad, I wish could find an ending she could be at peace with. Great job Ameena.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. “To create endings, she replied”, there is something hauntingly relatable and beautiful about this line. And about every word you have used in this piece. I absolutely love it!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Struck at how one would want to bring an end to something and all one’s left in is ‘it could have never been a happy ending to us’; so, why now end right now.
    Thought provoking.
    (Haven’t been around for a while and finding the awesome things I missed. 😋)

    Liked by 1 person

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