Harper Lee: quote and News

Harper Lee: quote and News

I try not to use the word “fan” when I like an artist’s work because chances are I’d find many of their other works unlikeable. With Harper Lee now, it’s different. I can wholeheartedly say I am a Fan of Harper Lee’s work mostly because she’s only published one Novel or rather one highly acclaimed novel which is still selling even after over fifty years of its original publication. I am talking about, “To kill a mockingbird”, the highly acclaimed southern gothic novel which has little to do with birds and everything to do with morals and conduct.

 Although Harper Lee has been out of sight for the majority of her years post publishing, I happened to stumble upon a quote of hers which is in the image above. Being a picky reader myself, I couldn’t agree more with Ms Lee, the book to read is the one that makes you think.

I would love to share a news that brought me Joy upon hearing it. At the age of eighty-eight, Harper Lee is set to publish her second novel this coming July and what’s more, it is a sequel to her first Novel, mockingbird. This new novel is called Go set a watchman and it follows the main character of her first novel, Scout, twenty years later.

Harper Lee

I am excited and cannot wait to read this new book, how about you?

The above quote is my submission to Writer’s quote Wednesday hosted by Silver Threading.

18 thoughts on “Harper Lee: quote and News

  1. Great quote. I heard on the CBS news that her sister recently passed away. She was her manager apparently. Now the controversy is whether she is mentally able to manage this deal. How sad. She was a recluse most of her life. I do enjoy a book that makes me think though! Thank you for sharing her quote. ❤

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    1. It was saddening to here about her health status. Posting for Writers quote has really helped in getting to know a lot about authors, Thank you Colleen for hosting this. I look forward to participatong each week. 🙂

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  2. I also am anxious to read this book. Some classics are classics because they were great. There are many good books out there, but few can be considered great. To Kill a Mockingbird is great (in my humble opinion)


  3. I am so excited to when I found out about this last night! You came to my mind for I thought you had written quotes from the book before, I was like she is going to be happy!! 🙂 We all need to purchase it at same time and read it and then have a book club on here about it! LOL!

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    1. Hahahaha, Oh Joy, that would be awesome! I was actually planning on reading the mockingbird for the 3rd time now and then i heard the news! It is the best news i’ve heard all week! 😀


  4. I’m a little weart honestly. I am one of those people who believes that sequels will never be like the original first (but look at Toy Story… The sequels blew me out of the water). I just feel like this book is such an amazing classic and people have kind of come to their own conclusions of what happened to all the characters. I am obviously going to read it because To Kill a Mockingbird is such a fantastic book… I just sadly have high expectations.

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    1. Hahaha, Toy Story is a classic! I know, very few sequels reach expectations. But i had aways wondered what happened to Little Scout, so i really can’t wait for this. I have good feeling about this, Harper Lee wouldn’t disappoint 😉

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  5. I enjoyed the bio, Mockingbird–have you seen that? I have not looked at the more recent memoir by the young woman who moved in next door–I struggle with the ethics behind that. But i can’t wait for the novel.

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