Suicide Awareness: show love, it doesn’t hurt

Suicide Awareness: show love, it doesn’t hurt


          The closer I look, the more I see that there are a lot of people who are desperately in need of love. I thought their lives were perfect but they’ve been struggling for so long. Different people, different battles with only one thing in common- they’ve been fighting alone. I almost want to kick myself for ever thinking their lives were perfect or for being judgmental at some point.

            The past couple of months have been rough, basically 2014 was a tough year for me. But today I realized that I actually got it easy. I thought I was in the darkest of holes but there are people in deeper pits than mine- I never knew. How would I anyway, it’s not like I plastered it on my forehead and told everybody what I was going through; I shouldn’t expect them to do the same.

          So comes the question, how do you determine when the smile is fake? The truth is you don’t. The best you can do is treat them with kindness and maybe the real smile will show. It’s not going to be an easy task trying to make someone who’s almost giving up believe that they are worth this life, they are worth love. I remember, during the bad days, even a little bit of love to me was overwhelming. I remember wanting to burst into tears at even the slightest bit of kindness, it was burdening. But with time, I learnt to understand what love means. It’s not something that only happens on special days, No, it Is something that just occurs naturally. Loving is nature.

            Today, September 10, is World Suicide awareness Day and I decided to wear yellow in honor of families and friends of suicide victims and also suicide survivors. Its never easy to lose a loved one to suicide. I want to use this medium to encourage everyone reading this to educate themselves on Suicidal tendencies and how to deal with suicidal people. And if you feel like this is it, you don’t deserve to live, you do. Your life is special and sacred. There are a lot of people ready to help but you need to take the first step.

             I know it’s a leap of faith, but what’s the worst that can happen if you ask for HELP; give it a shot. Suicide Is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. It doesn’t seem like a temporary problem, but it is. Everyone deserves a shot at a happy life; please do not end your life on temporary feelings.

           I cannot end this without emphasizing on LOVE. You never know who you may help with just a little bit of love. Show kindness, it doesn’t hurt.


                     How do you plan on marking World Suicide awareness Day?