Day 2: Ropes of the Past

Day 2: Ropes of the Past

There is no place like home. Tabu knew that saying better than anyone else. She felt the meaning deeply and it stung her every time. If only… If only she hadn’t listened to those busy body so called friends of hers then maybe, her home would still be… No, she snaps herself out of the delusion. She could blame them all she wanted but in reality it was all her fault. That still didn’t stop her from remembering her home, what it felt like being where she could call her own.

Stepping into the gigantic black colored gate which towered in front of the duplex house, now her house, she automatically felt safe. With the sharp pointed spikes and electric wires that ran around the house, she knew only a fool would try to break in. It made her feel special that she was worth so much guarding, oh how naive she was then,

On her right, as she walked into the compound, was a small garden filled with flowers of different colors and type. She hated the mosquitoes that came with having flowers in the house so she wasn’t really trilled. What she’d give now to see those flowers again.

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