


I see you conceal dark circles
And apply your mascara,
I hear you silence your sniffles
With pillow every night,
I see you cover with henna
The bruises on your arms,
But I know, oh mother
Who the knight Is In the battle.

He calls you names like lousy
Scarring you with his venom,
And he claims he does love you
Body and soul, fist and punches,
You take his storm and thunder
Shielding us under the weather,
Love and mercy go hand in hand
And his is just one sided.

He exposes your errors
Shaming you even in public,
And you shrink with every word
Antagonizing your existence,
And your kids are your solace
To us, you are a temple,
You’ve been fighting this battle
We say- it’s time you retire.

He can’t hurt you anymore
For your kids will be your armor,
And the patience you practiced
From your lord will be your reward,
Take one step into the pathway
There’s a whole world beyond this,
It is time to break the shackles
And step into liberation.

A quote, A day (2)

A quote, A day (2)


The strength within you,
is not a big fiery flame
For all to see.
It is just a tiny spark
That whispers,
Every so softly.
“You got this. Keep going.”
-Unknown Author

I wish I could find the person who penned this wonderful and inspiring words. But alas, try as much as I can with my little internet skills, I couldn’t find anywhere, the author of this quote. Nonetheless, I want to say thank you to “the author”, you have no idea how many times this quote has uplifted me.

I was nominated by the wonderful Amrit who blogs at Élan Vital to participate in the 3 quotes for 3 quotes challenge. I think it’s an awesome challenge to enlighten our followers on our favorite quotes and I really appreciate the nominations.

Here are the RULES:
1. Post 3 of your favorite quotes each per day for 3 recurrent days. The quotes can be of any other people or it may come straight from your own heart.

2. Nominate 3 bloggers with each post to challenge them.

3. Don’t forget to utter a thankful word to the person who nominated you.

Izza Ifzaal
Georgette Anne