Writer’s quote: Angelina Jolie

Writer’s quote: Angelina Jolie


Don’t fit in, don’t sit still, don’t ever try to be less than what you are and when someone tells you that you are different, smile and hold your head up high and be proud.
– Angelina Jolie

The above quote is from Angelina Jolie’s speech after winning a kids choice award for favorite villain in her role as Maleficient.

When you know, own and accept who you are, no one would be able to use it against you. No one has the power to make you feel embarrassed about certain things without your permission. The light is out there for a reason. It is waiting for you to step into it. It is waiting to illuminate the star that you are. And no, this is not just talk. This is fact, this is reality. This is me saying pick up your hat and strut like the boss that you are. You are different? That’s okay. Imagine a world where we all did the same things, looked the same way, loved the same hobbies- it wouldn’t be much of a world.

You weren’t born to fit in. You were beautifully made to stand out. Appreciate the unique being you are and use that God-given creativity to reveal to the world.

This is my submission for writer’s quote Wednesday hosted by silver Threading.

47 thoughts on “Writer’s quote: Angelina Jolie

  1. What an engaging discussion of Jolie’s quote. I could not agree with you more. I like being different. I was raised to never be a “sheep.” That is a good thing. Shine with everything you’ve got, Ameena! ❤

    Liked by 1 person

      1. It really was a beautiful movie. Angelina’s acting was fantastic. The costume and special effects people went above and beyond. The storyline was so touching and a little heartbreaking. They really did Maleficent justice.

        Liked by 1 person

  2. An awesome quote from Jolie she did not arrive at that easily. She lived that, out loud while being flogged in the newspapers. Good for her!! Afterall, you can only be who you are.


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