Mental Health Friday #22

Mental Health Friday #22


Hi. I’m Angela and I’ve been diagnosed with bipolar 2, borderline personality disorder, binge eating, and general anxiety. I can’t remember how old I was when I realized I had a mental illness. I know I’ve always been suicidal. I think my mind uses it as a coping mechanism. I know I was at least fifteen. It wasn’t until I turned seventeen that I sought help. The catalyst was I went from being suicidal to homicidal. I wanted to stab a kid in my class and it terrified me. I went to the counselor at school and started therapy. Still no one recognized my true diagnosis.

It took me twenty two years to finally get diagnosed properly. I had to get a psychological evaluation for myself. After being treated for depression off and on and then general anxiety with meds that didn’t help, I now have a good mix of medication and therapy. Most days I’m good and for those off days… Well I take one moment at a time.

One final thought… Always self advocate. I wish I had sooner. It took me almost being imploding to realize I need to be picky in my doctors and to get second opinions. We need to take care of ourselves before we can others.

This week’s submission is by Angela who blogs at I am my own island , do pop by and say hello. She writes about life in general, living and improving despite mental issues.

As always, The goal of Mental Health Friday is to break the silence, talk about mental illness with the aim of blurring out the stigma one story at a time. If you’d like to share your story, I’d love to have you. You can contact me at my email: . For more information, visit HERE.

19 thoughts on “Mental Health Friday #22

  1. I definitely relate to what you said about suicidal thoughts being a coping mechanism–I spent all last week organizing and preparing…and I’m still here. Thanks for being genuine and authentic–it opens the door for others who desperately need to speak, but are reluctant to do so.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I think your Mental Health Friday events are such a great thing to have in the blog-o-sphere. How many of us are suffering from a mental illness but are just doing a good job of hiding it? It’s always comforting to know we are not alone.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Hi Angela. I love what you’re doing here. We need more people to raise awareness about mental health. I love the quote on this post. It matches my blog so well. Haha!


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