Flash Fiction: The Audition

Flash Fiction: The Audition


Katy flounced into the audition room wearing a strapless polka knee-length gown, paired with black all-stars converse, she was hoping the mixture of dressy and casual would help adhere her towards the judges. The scream of “next” upon her entrance was a slap on the cheek.

“But I haven’t even auditioned”, she protested.
“Sorry love, maybe next time. Now hurry off.. Next contestant!” the bald judge, Andre screamed, looking beyond Katy towards the entrance.
“I’ll be dammed if I leave here without an audition” muttered Katy.

A crash resonated throughout the almost empty hall.
“Quick, someone get an ambulance”, Andre ordered.

Katy lay on the floor, her hands limp by her side while the rest of her body shuddered. She was salivating by the time Andre got to her. Scared out of his wits, he tried to position her body to lay laterally on her side when he thought he noticed a grin.
“How’s that for an audition”, Katy winked.

word count: 161. This story is in response to Flash Fiction For Aspiring Writers photo prompt challenge. Thank you Etol Bagam for the lovely picture. If you’d love to participate in this 150 (+/- 25) word writing challenge, just clink on the link above.