Day 8: Where She Lives

Day 8: Where She Lives


His hand-
Swipes across her face:
Third time’s the charm,
and she crashes.

His hand-
From the daughter he has born.
The child,
Who is made up of
Half of his genes.

His foot-
Finds the ground
upon which she lays,
Not gently
-he grazes her.
mama stands and watch.
Not a word is uttered,
Just the groans of a daughter.

His body,
Moves away to rest from 
All the work.
Each woman,
The scars they bore.

The guilty eyes
Of a daughter
The tired eyes
Of a mother.
And silence hovers above them,
Into another dawn.


I really enjoyed doing the december poetry challenge last year. Plus, I found this really inspiring prompt called “30 layers, 30 days” which many bloggers have completed now. So, I decided to use the prompts for December.

Prompt: Where I Live