#My First Post Revisited

#My First Post Revisited


Miss Tikeethat T from a Thomas’ point of view, tagged me yesterday, in a little fun blog tag I’ve been seeing floating around, but had previously positively turned a blind eye to. Why? You may ask. Well this tag is called #MyFirstPostRevised and as I wrote my first post on the 18th of august 2014, I was hoping it would have drowned amongst the multitude of posts I’ve written afterwards.

I don’t know if I have mentioned it before, but when I first began this blog, it wasn’t supposed to be for poetry. I guess it was supposed to be an inspirational blog? (I’m not really sure). Good thing I had figured out soon enough, I was more in need of inspiration than I could inspire. Without further digression, below is my first post: 


We live in a generation where every single thing we do and say, even the littlest detail is scrutinized and criticized. Thus, making it easier for people to wall up and avoid their true calling and way harder to follow the path that they should be taking.

I remember when I first started to write poetry, it was in high school, and where I come from, they don’t get it. Anything that deviates from the traditional “medicine, accounting or engineering” gets a whole lot of resistance. And when you write, you instantly become one with your work, and it hurts when people don’t get it.

But here’s the thing, it shouldn’t matter what they say. I know it does matter, but it shouldn’t. Those people trying to diminish your spirit arent going to live your life for you. It’s your life to live, it’s your mistake to make and it’s your path to choose. If painting is what you love to do, then my dears, paint your hands off. If cooking is your passion, then set the kitchen on fire ( not literally though). The point is, there’s going to be resistance anyway, so just do what you would be happy the rest of your life doing.

It will be ridiculous of me to say it is easy, cause it’s not. There’s going to be people who’d hate what you do along the way, and you just gotta have a thick skin. Words would hurt but you don’t let it show, because the bigger picture is all that matters in the end.

So my dears, pick up those paint brushes, or the clay pot mix, or a pen and paper- whatever it is, block the world out and just do it. You really never know until you try and embrace it wholeheartedly. And remember, we owe it to ourselves to at least give it our all.

Here’s a little quote to sleep on: Don’t allow the world to define your greatness for most of this world is blind.           The end

Below are the rules, If you’ve been looking for an excuse to share your first post, or you are like me, and have been turning a blind eye and trying to avoid the challenge, feel free to join now. 

No cheating. (It must be your first post. Not your second post, not one you love…first post only.)
Link back to the person who tagged you (thank them if you feel like it or, if not, curse them with a plague of ladybugs).
Other rules:

Cut and paste your old post into a new post or reblog your own bad self. (Either way is fine but NO editing.)
Put the hashtag #MyFirstPostRevisited in your title.
Tag…um…five (5) other bloggers to take up this challenge.
Notify your tags in the comment section of their blog (don’t just hope they notice a pingback somewhere in their spam).
Feel free to cut and paste the badge to use in your post.
Include “the rules” in your post.