Mental Health Friday #32

Mental Health Friday #32



Today’s topic is one close to my heart and I could hardly wait for Friday, to unburden. So, here’s the thing. We all have someone (Atleast most of us do), who is battling with drugs, substance abuse and dependence. We might even be that person, because the truth is, you don’t really know a person until you know a person. And a lot of time, substance abuse doesn’t always come with a label on the forehead.

We, as a society, have tried shaming people who become dependent on substances (in other words, addicted), and how has that helped? Its only pushed them further into the throngs of abuse. Why? Because when you isolate people, loneliness is a hell of a thing, they delve further into their only constant friend- the abused substance.

Drugs have killed our society and shame has buried us alive. And until we find healthier and better ways of dealing with abuse, we are only building houses with glass ceilings. And those ceilings will come crashing eventually.

We’ve tried the whole- insulting, ridiculing, and making fun of those dealing with substance abuse. But name one person that has helped?! Time after time after time, we shame people from wanting to seek help, with our words and our manners.

I am not saying I have a solution for it, but until we can get to that point in time when painkillers without high addicting potential can be created to treat chronic conditions; when the drug dealers are taken off the streets for good; when mental illness is treated with high priority; until then, we need to create a more realistic help approach towards treatment of substance abuse and dependence.

There are those who are not ready to seek help yet, but for those who are ready, our job is not to ostracise them over something they are trying to defeat. Our job is not to remind them of their past; and our job is not to make an already difficult task of recovery even more difficult.

Our job is to lift and uplift, to support and encourage, and to tenderly show that there is a world worth living outside of susbstances and addiction.

And as a last pointer: just because a person relapses, doesn’t mean, they are a failure. Because two steps forward and one step back, is always progress.

If you would like to share your story on Mental Health Friday, please send me an email: Looking forward to hearing from you.

6 thoughts on “Mental Health Friday #32

  1. Not that it is right, but I think maybe some of that negativity is rooted in how much other people are hurt by one person’s addictions, and it is a long process for the addicted one to admit any issues or that they might be causing others’ pain and harm. (If they ever do.) It’s definitely not something anyone chooses and therefore they deserve compassion and support, but when you are living with someone with these issues it is hard to keep compassionate boundaries for all involved, especially when they are still in denial.


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