Its been 4 years!

Its been 4 years!


This picture turned up in my notifications yesterday. A reminder that I have been in the wordpress community for four years now. I remember when I first started, I Was 18. I didn’t have any plan for the blog, hence it’s unfortunate name “randoms by a random”, and now that I am… (I’ll let you fill in the gap), i’ld like to believe that as I got older, my writings have evolved.

In the past four years, I have come across some phenomenal poets, I have fallen in love with many amazing poems which I try to share on writer’s poem Wednesday. And most importantly, I got to build a connection with so many incredible people.

And what’s more, many of them have gone on to publish their own books: My girl Rosema published (Between my bleeding lines), my Sister released her book “Soul Unraveled”, Jodi wrote a children’s book (Klaus the mouse and other silly animal tales), Colin chappel has published three books and the latest addition and my very good friend Carolyn , just recently releases her book called “The Odessa Chronicles”, which she co-wrote with Colin Chappel.


As writers, we support other writers. Go ahead, contact the writers above, get their books, leave a review and show some love.

To mark my four years here, (even though half the time, I am AWOL),  I would like to host a bloggers Q&A. I can’t believe I’ve never done one before. So, drop me your questions below and and I will be more than happy to answer them in a post.

Thank you for supporting. For reading, for dropping your two cents and for always welcoming me back whenever I go away without notice. ❤️❤️

Drop your questions below in the comment section.

51 thoughts on “Its been 4 years!

  1. Many thanks for the mention Ameena. As for a question? Hmmmmmmmmmmmm!

    If you were asked what was the most impactful event (what has influenced you the most) in your life to date …….. how would you respond?

    Liked by 2 people

  2. This was so sweet to read when I got home today. Thank you very much!! So glad you joined the blogging community for I have been so touched by your poetry and by your friendship! ❤
    As for a question, ….. let me think, LOL! I will get back to you soon. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Oh woooow!!! Congratulations for four years, Ameena! It was a pleasure reading your words and speaking with your soul! I value our exchanges!

    Aaaand thank you sooo much for talking about my book!!! 😘😘😘

    Aaaaand for my question: What are are top 3 poems you wrote. And why? 😘

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank y very much! You have no idea how proud I am of you about your book. It’s such an incredible thing to write a poetry book and no easy task too.
      Will post a blog post soon with the answers

      Liked by 1 person

    1. How did “a question” become two questions? A little counting challenge perhaps? Chose to ignore the Blog owner’s request perhaps? Not completed the ESL course perhaps? 🙂


      1. Well as you have probably guessed, I have not been able to come up with a good answer for your question! (at least not an answer that would make me look good!) So there is only one thing I do know for sure and that is that it wasn’t any of the answers that you gave, especially Number 3. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      1. I sure will!! I’ll be getting into my master in september with my head high and certain I will make it through another 2yrs ahaha Thanks for the support 😉 ❤


  4. Happy Blog Anniversary! 4 years is a long time and I hope you’ll continue blogging for many more years to come! I’ve come to love your blog and treasure our friendship, and my cozy corner here in WordPress would definitely feel a little emptier if you were to leave!

    As for a question, hmm…who would you cast as yourself in a movie about your life?


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