Depression knocked on my door (2)

Depression knocked on my door (2)


I lied.
Depression didn’t knock on my door,
It opened it,
As it always did,
Without an express invitation.
Depression is not a guest,
It’s family,
Moving in at whims
Doesn’t take no for an answer,
Does as it pleases.

When the sun graces
The sky- with its presence
And I try to will myself
With coffee…
There depression is.
Standing, walking
Sitting, beside me.
Sipping from the same cup
As I,

Depression didn’t knock on my door,
It waltzed in.
But there are days,
When I can battle it enough,
Just enough- to go through
The day without crashing,
Enough to smile at strangers
Without faking,
Enough to go to work,
Without crying…
I can almost defeat it.

This poem is in response to a previouse poem I had written a year ago: A conversation with depression. I had always wanted to write a part 2, and after taking this impromptu hiatu, I thought this would be the best start for me. I missed blogging and the entire community ❤️❤️❤️

27 thoughts on “Depression knocked on my door (2)

  1. Hi Ameena. I was wondering what’s happened, why I hadn’t seen your posts, then today, I realized I’d somehow unfollowed you. So, I feel bad now. Glad to see you’re around and hope your studies in medicine are going well!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Awww it happens, don’t worry about it. I actually haven’t been online in months, so you didn’t miss much 😊. I graduated this April 😁, but I am currently preparing for my license exam. So not yet resting

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Oh congrats. That’s such an awesome achievement. Good luck on your exam, I know you’ll do great 🙂


  2. “I lied.
    Depression didn’t knock on my door,
    It opened it,
    As it always did,
    Without an express invitation.
    Depression is not a guest,
    It’s family,
    Moving in at whims
    Doesn’t take no for an answer,
    Does as it pleases.”

    This is EXACTLY how I feel. It has that contradictory feeling of family too, at least for me. Where its dysfunction is no stranger to you, you’re intimately acquainted, and that familiarity makes it comforting to a degree even when it isn’t comforting at all. Depression is like intrusive family members in that it doesn’t care or acknowledge boundaries. I really liked this.


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