Flash Fiction: Wife, Cat and Baby

Flash Fiction: Wife, Cat and Baby


Karim shifted the handbrake into park mode and dialled his wife’s number.
“Hun, sorry I didn’t call you back in time, I was just…”

“What’s that sitting on your lap”, she interrupted.

He glanced down and said, “Ohh its the neighbour’s cat. Mrs Graham requested me to drop her off at the Vet’s”.

“Ohh really”, his wife exclaimed “and when did you start doing favours for each other?”

He didn’t have time to respond before she threw another question
“And why is the cat sitting on your lap?”

The next thing Karim knew, his wife was bawling through the video call.
“First its her cat, next thing, it’d be her daughter. I know she’s been eyeing you”, she continued.

Karim didn’t know what to do, so he said, “I’m sorry love”, whilst mentally calculating how many weeks were left before his wife would be due to give birth.

Word count:144. The above story is in response to FFFAW hosted by priceless Joy. Thank you for this week’s picture @ENISA 


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