The faces of depression-

The faces of depression-


Depression is not always tears,
And sweatpants;
Staying in- all through the week.

It’s not always anger,
And weight gain;
Laying, in bed through the day.

Depression- wears many faces.
It puts on a smile,
With a face,
Which lights up a room.

It puts on work clothes,
(Seemingly) through the day;

It loses weight,
And craves insomnia;
It fears solitude,
Depending on who you ask.

Depression is not always tears,
It’s- the brightest face in the room.

42 thoughts on “The faces of depression-

  1. How well you know me! Or as Jon Bon Jovi paraphrased “Just like the girl who looked so happy, When inside she’s so so sad!”
    For 15 years I was a top mental health professional, and for 15 years I attempted to drill this point into the medical model, I wish I could say I had made an impact, any impact. But sadly I can’t, sadly the ignorance and judgement attitudes of most psychiatric medical professionals remains as it was before I started, and long after I was sacked. The only difference now, is that for me personally, I smile because I am happy, I cry only when I am sad but every day I feel blessed to have experienced both side of the mental health fence, and every day I know I can get better on this side compared to being confined, trapped and imprisoned as a professional mental health worker.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you very much for reading and sharing this. Sadly, I have to agree with you. I’m currently in medical school and I did a research about the attitude of medical students towards schizophrenia, which led me to come a cross and read dozens of other researchers carried our on mental illness; it was saddening to see the negative attitude exhibited by psychiatrists and other Health care practitioners

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I love your image quote. And I appreciate the depth of your words. Very enlightening and honest. It is indeed usually the most broken, who smile the brightest, love the hardest, and cry the quietist.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Thank you for sharing this poem. I often don’t realize I’m in a depressed state until it gets so obvious I have to deal with it. But you’re right. It doesn’t have to look so extreme for it to affect life.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The pleasure is mine Katie. I love to write in depression because it is something we need to talk about.
      I’m sorry you have yo experience it. From my experience as well, depression is not an easy thing. Take care ♥️


  4. Yes! I have ‘high functioning’ depression so no one took me seriously for a long time, which is a shame because it only really got taken seriously when I voluntarily committed myself. Ugggggggg. I wish people could understand this.


  5. Oh and I have been married to my husband since he was in medical school and residency and fellowship and let me tell you that is emotionally taxing for everyone. The struggle is real. Let me know if you ever want to take or swap stories. Doctor life is a mind trip all on its own and I always enjoy talking to people who can relate. he works rural so people who can specifically relate to his profession are very few and far between.

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  6. This is so true. When people say, “They were always so happy” it’s because sometimes a depressed person never wants someone else to feel that way.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Some really meaningful words up there..I myself have suffered depression for a substantial period..By God’s Grace, I eventually came out of it and so for all my friends experiencing any sort of depression , I just want to say that Sometimes, we think that we have been buried when actually we have been planted .This I learnt after having won over a chronic disease after years of struggle..Just hold on, just never give up..I would like to share my complete story here , how I battled with an incurable disease..I wish It helps at least 1 needy person out here….Here’s the story (Not a sad one I promise 🙂 )

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hello Rahul,
      Firstly I want to apologise for replying so late. I read your story and truly, it is inspiring and I would be honored to share it on my blog. I know many people will benefit from it.
      I am so happy to hear you got out of your depression. It is not an easy hole to climb out of and reading your story, wil give others hope that they can do.

      Liked by 1 person

  8. This poetry is so pure and wonderfully written. Now-a-days in the 21st century no one can really distinguish between one who has depression and one who doesn’t just by face value. It comes in all forms and can dawn upon anyone of whatever age. That’s why awareness is a must and should be given to all and poems like these are doing that very important work.


  9. So much truth to this! I wish it were easier for people to understand and to realise that depression isn’t just about “moping around” or feeling down or being sad and/or angry. The happiest person on the outside could be the saddest person on the inside – we never know. Thanks for sharing your writing!


  10. This is very true. I went through a manic like episode last year in November. I was feeling depressed so I stopped sleeping and eating for 3-4 days. During that experience I felt “fine” and enjoyed the initial high I felt. I was more sociable and was able to get up early despite not running on anything. You never know what people are going through even the ones who seem to be happy. I try to remind myself of this because sometimes it gets hard looking through social media and watching others live their dreams. Like I’m happy for them but it sometimes makes me sad that I can’t look and feel as happy as them all the time.


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