Writer’s Quote: Nick Flynn

Writer’s Quote: Nick Flynn


Something horrific happened recently. I hear you say, “which one?”, because sadly, every single day brings on a new horror story. The incident in question is the suicide by an 8 year old boy Gabriel Taye, after he was brutally assaulted in school by some students to the point of unconsciousness. A video released showed Gabriel lying unconscious on the floor being beaten and kicked by other students.
His mother had no idea about the incident, (which I believe the school should have called and explained the situation to the mother because, her kid was assaulted to the point of unconsciousness), and after Gabriel got back home, he killed himself.

I am saddened by his death and the incident surrounding it. It is stories like these which remind me that I cannot stop writing. Something needs to be done, kids with anger issues need to be taught ways to express themselves and an 8 year old kid should be playing with dolls and toy cars and not be tortured to the point of not wanting to spend another second on earth

It’s due to this I’m going to share a poem by Nick Flynn called Cartoon physics Part 1 as my writer’s quote/poem Wednesday submission. It Better expresses what I want to say than I can. Thank God for poetry.

Cartoon Physics, part 1 BY NICK FLYNN
Children under, say, ten, shouldn’t know
that the universe is ever-expanding,
inexorably pushing into the vacuum, galaxies

swallowed by galaxies, whole

solar systems collapsing, all of it
acted out in silence. At ten we are still learning

the rules of cartoon animation,

that if a man draws a door on a rock
only he can pass through it.
Anyone else who tries

will crash into the rock. Ten-year-olds
should stick with burning houses, car wrecks,
ships going down—earthbound, tangible

disasters, arenas

where they can be heroes. You can run
back into a burning house, sinking ships

have lifeboats, the trucks will come
with their ladders, if you jump

you will be saved. A child

places her hand on the roof of a schoolbus,
& drives across a city of sand. She knows

the exact spot it will skid, at which point
the bridge will give, who will swim to safety
& who will be pulled under by sharks. She will learn

that if a man runs off the edge of a cliff
he will not fall

until he notices his mistake.

I apologise for my absence, will try to Get back on track with my writing and blogging ❤

13 thoughts on “Writer’s Quote: Nick Flynn

  1. The story of Gabriel brought tears to my eyes. Such a young and bright soul, snuffed out too soon. The poem you shared just says it all. The innocence of children is one of the world’s most amazing things. The unique way that children see the world should not be tainted.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I had no idea about the incident until I read your post and it’s literally made my stomach turn! No child should ever have to feel that way 💔 please don’t stop writing! We need more people like you sharing things like this because without writing as a form of communication internationally what little tools do we have left??

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I agree with you! No child should ever have to go through this, buy unfortunately, hundreds of kids are. Thank you very much for Sharing your thoughts ❤❤


  3. OH this is horrible! So tragic, it really strikes my heart. Thank you for being a voice for this 8 year old child.
    Things need to change, for unfortunately this is becoming too common. 😦


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