The girl with the black veil-

The girl with the black veil-


Yes she will smile and,
Yes she’ll say thank you;
But only when needed,
And that’s all she uttered.

Yes she would walk and,
Go into classrooms;
But thats all she went to,
And only when needed,

She walked with her head high,
Her blue eyes looked downcast;
A black veil her trademark,
We named her dark widow.

But no one, yes no one
Even once tried to get her,
To open the world, we all
Knew she held within her.

Her frail body floated,
Under layers of clothing,
The nickname travelled fast
But she walked on unbothered,

Until the day she didn’t,
The girl with the black veil,
The news came as a shock,
Our dark widow had passed on.

We found out the reason,
She hid behind a black veil,
Leukaemia- they called it,
Her cells were killing her.

We prayed for Azmeena,
We wept for her departure,
She fought all alone,
And we did nothing to help her.

This is something I wrote as a free-write literally now, Just to keep the muse going. If you are not a fan of rhyming, feel free to ignore this. 🙂

the above image Is courtesy of  Emaho

17 thoughts on “The girl with the black veil-

  1. It reminded me of “But you didn’t” a poem that Leo Buscaglia used in his presentations:

    Both are based around things that should have happened… but didn’t, and then it was too late.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I still have an image of the poem, it was sent to me by a friend a long long time ago. But hearing it being recited, gives to it a whole lot of feelings. Thank you very much for sharing it Colin, I can’t wait for the friend who sent the poem to me, to get back tomorrow so I can show her the video.

      Liked by 2 people

  2. Pingback: Erik D'Souza
  3. There was such a deep underlying message in your poem, and personally I felt like it was a beautifully reminder in the form of a knock at the door. To wake up and start being considerate and caring human beings, rather than wary, selfish and suspicious all the time. Thank you for sharing your piece ✨💛 it’s always such a pleasure to read your work ~


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