Flash Fiction: The slithering guest

Flash Fiction: The slithering guest


“You know the drill, so let’s get moving,” ordered Big Sis, to nods and stamps of the ten year olds assigned to her.

“Batch A, head North.”
“Batch B, East, and mind the slopes.”
“Batch C, continue west and be wary…”

Whatever batch C was supposed to be wary of, nobody found out. Little Jim interrupted by pointing with trembling hands, towards the dead-beat car which had been in that forest for as long as anyone could remember.

Em, big sis“, he was saying “There’s a snake on the car.”

Big sis smiled, then said “Is that so Jim, just like there was a roach in yesterday’s dinner when you didn’t want to eat.”

Little Jim protested, joined by the other kids.

She reluctantly turned her back to the kids, to face a slithering creature on the car roof.

Big sis swayed on her feet,  before slumping to the ground with a thud so loud, it brought Big brother to the site. The kids were never more grateful to have an extra camp master.

word count: 174. This story is In response to Flash Fiction For Aspiring Writers challenge. Where, each week we are provided with a picture and are to write a  75-175 word story in it. A big Thank you to @Tim Livingston for providing us with this week’s photo.

18 thoughts on “Flash Fiction: The slithering guest

  1. Great story. It reminds me of the story about the boy that cried wolf…only she was the one to suffer the consequences and not him. At least there was somone else there that could take over.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. That’s very good. Like how organised the kids are going on their adventure. I almost want to see them camping to now. Nice tale


  3. This brought back memories of camping! Once, while we were going to the seaside, a snake slithered out. None of us were brave enough to go forward. Adorable story.


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