Shadow of a dreamer-

Shadow of a dreamer-


They killed her with their judgement,
Their stinging stares and words;
Murdered her, long before the soul-
Departed earths abode.

They stomped her dreams to rubbles,
And molded theirs with it;
A once hearty laughter echoes-
sorrow buried deep.

They killed her, oh they killed her,
The girl she used to be;
The shadow of a dreamer remains-
They wonder what happened in between.
They’d killed her.

37 thoughts on “Shadow of a dreamer-

      1. hehe yeah that was missing from my comment, Indeed.. I was a bit sleepy I guess 😀 I like it too.. I feel this fraternal bond by using the word sis otherwise I feel a bit distant like we are just gives me a cosy feeling .I am glad you noticed it Sis 🙂

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  1. Ohhhhh, this is very somber and haunting. Very powerful as well. Is this written about someone you know personally?
    Good job.
    I’m so sorry I’ve been so absent. I got very sick and then was so busy with my mother-in-law here and my husband preparing to travel to Lebanon.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Stacy. This is one of my few poems that isn’t personal. Ah, how are you feeling now? The flu still or worse.
      I can see it is a really busy time for you. We are still here, so please rest get better and I am looking forward to your posts. ❤

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Oh, I’m much better now, thanks Ameena. I actually didn’t have the flu. It was a toss up between a urinary tract infection and dengue fever. Ended up being the infection.
        Thanks so much for the encouragement. You’re a sweetie.


  2. Awww sad but beautiful post. Unfortunately this is all too true…people can be very cruel with their judgement of others and they don’t realize how big of an effect it might have on that person =(.

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