


She spent her days in darkness,
Her nights were filled with fear;
The rays of the sun she avoided
From the sight of the cloud- she hid;
Broken trust from way back
Her vision of life- it killed;
And she lived her days with the notion,
All she sees, isn’t all it seems.

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31 thoughts on “Paranoia-

  1. broken trust from way back
    her vision of life it killed
    That is exactly what happened with my brother (diagnosed with schizophrenia)
    He is highly intelligent and is constantly learning things, he used to fly his own plane but sold it soon after.being diagnosed
    He was betrayed in a mentally torturous way by a woman he was with a few years and was deeply in love with her. I’m glad you are open about your paranoia. I am very careful what I say around my brother because he turns it into hours of talking about things that are out there and don’t make sense. I would like to see him be honest about having a problem with his thinking but I don’t know if he realizes it.


  2. She is surrounded by a sea of blackness. Broken trust can do that such damage. I like how you used: hidden clouds, night and shadowed days to show the full effect of a dark atmosphere. Nice work.


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