Flash Fiction: Autumn Illusion

Flash Fiction: Autumn Illusion


“Did you see that?”
“See what?”
“Those boots, I could swear I saw them move”
“Naah, it’s just autumn illusion”
“Autumn what?! You know, just forget- it’s probably too much coffee”
“Sara, I think you’re right, I just saw it move too… Oh boy, the bush baby’s here.”
“Jackson, you’re scaring the crap out of me.”

“The bush baby! Its a hideous creature, sparing hair and only a few feet tall. It was thrown away by its parent due to its ugliness and legend says, it roams about with a pair of boot and whichever unlucky person’s feet fit into it, the bush baby claims them as their parent.”

“When did you start believing in local myth?”
“Since I saw those pair move, and I’m not ready to be a father, talk less of one to a bush baby”

“Aw, it’s probably just as you said, an autumn illusion. See- the boots look perfectly still. Jackson? Jackson!”
“Did he seriously run off?! Well you can strike out a second date now…. Bush baby, ridiculous?!”

Word count: 174 words. This story is in response to flash Fiction For aspiring writers photo prompt challenge. Thank you Very much Dawn for this week ‘s inspiring photo prompt. The rule is to write a 150 (+/- 25) word story on the given photo prompt. If you’ll to participate or self indulge in flash fiction reading, click the link above. 🙂

33 thoughts on “Flash Fiction: Autumn Illusion

  1. What a cute story! Very creative with the bush baby. Poor Jackson was scared to death! Hopefully, Sara will still get a second date with him – just not in the “bushes.” lol! Thank you for participating in the FFfAW challenge! I love reading your stories Ameena!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you PJ. You know at first, I thought the pair of boots was a toy train and actually wrote a story surrounding the train :D.
      Hahaha, if I was Sara, I wouldn’t date a runner. The bush babies are a sort of myth where I come from, people say they are hideous short creatures, though the rest about the parent is pure fiction. Got to give the bush baby a backstory. 🙂

      Liked by 2 people

      1. I thought your story was very interesting Ameena! I would love to see one of those bush babies. I bet they are so ugly they are cute! Hopefully, they are just ugly, and not mean. That’s funny you thought it was a train. I couldn’t figure out what it was. I thought it was something floating in the stream. Hahaha!

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Ha! Ha! Very enjoyable read! 🙂 She is not ready for another date with him, but perhaps his not wanting to be a father is mostly due to the thought of the “bush” baby. Maybe he needs a second chance…and a lesson on not believing myth’s.

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  3. Hahaha… I think Jackson’s been reading too many fairy stories – or else it’s just a case of too much coffee. I love your bush baby story, Ameena, and can’t help feeling sorry for the ugly little thing. Perhaps Sara will agree to a seond date with Jackson, as long as it’s well away from bush-baby territory.


    1. I’ll go with too much coffee, the possibility of a bush baby being real is just ahhh 😀
      Haha, Jackson’s got a lot of placating to do in order to get Sara on second date, considering he left her to the bush baby.

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  4. A very amusing response to the prompt, Ameena. 🙂 I get the feeling that the bush baby has something to do with Jackson’s sudden disappearance and he hasn’t just run off! I hope he enjoys parenthood. 😀

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  5. Ha! He isn’t sticking around to risk his life. This was a very unique take on the prompt, and greatly executed. The next time I see boots, I’ll probably think of bush baby lol. I might even think, “Not this time, bush baby. Not as you wish” 😛

    Btw, I accidentally just clicked the “follow” button and unfollowed you. But alas, I’m following you again. Ha!

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