The Train Journey

The Train Journey


When I was a kid,I always believed my first train journey would be a somewhat replica of Jab we met where I would find my “not so charming” prince in distress, save him from the turmoil of heartache, lose my heart to him unwillingly after a few mishaps where we miss the connecting train and then in the end, he saves me and we live a happy ever after life. Well, life has a way if turning things into the unexpected.

My first train journey was what I would refer to as- eventful. With my Karens-like Caribbean printed skirt, yellow basic too and a colored shawl wrapped around my neck, I embarked on my first ever train journey at the age of nineteen, returning home from school.

After a rocky exam, I made the mistake of going out to “chill” with the gals in the night before my flight. Chilling where I came from basically meant, going out to eat anything and everything. All the pizzas, chin chin (local Nigerian snack), zobo, ginger ale, cookies, chocolates, heck, we even ordered a medium sized chocolate cake.

Blythe time I got to the train station, my intestines were screaming loudly, I needed to go and empty them. I managed to climb aboard the train with my bowels twisting and turning. Luckily (the only luck I had that day) , the train at tenant was kind enough to show me to the loo. The sight I met there was enough for me to puke out my stomach contents. Ahhh,I still feel a. Shiver down my spine when I think of the terrible state in which the toilet was on. Not to forget, it was a pit latrine.

I managed to find a place to place my feet around the latrine where wasn’t close to poop, because poop was literally everywhere! It was like the latrine itself was ignored.
After more than a few minutes of emotying with my shel around my head for the majority, I realized, there was no water in the toilet, no tissue, nothing at all!

I would continue but My time is up! Hahaha, I just realised the last two lines made little sense (effect of trying to beat the clock), let’s see if you all get the picture . This was a really fun-do and I want to thank Prakash Hegade for nominating me for this freestyle challenge; you can find the post his submission HERE.
Oh, I have never been on a train before (except the ones at airports which I don’t think count) so this story may or may not be true. I’ld let you decide what part is fiction and which is non.

Timer set: 10 minutes
Word count: 345
Comment: misspelled a couple of words and totally flopped the last two lines. It should be- after more than a few minutes of emptying with my shawl around my nose for the majority. at the moment, I am so tempted to go back and edit my numerous grammatical errors. 😀

Now, My Nominees: I would like to nominate a few of my new followers. I really appreciate the follow.

1) Cold chicken soup
2) Roller coaster rides
3) Steven J curtis
4) Christina Strigas
5) life of mon
6) Kimberley Jade
7) Tinaness
8) Silverstein potter
9) Tasty Niblets
10) Voice ur mind
11) Anyone who is interested in doing it.

So here goes the rules:

1) Open an MS Word document
2) Set a stop watch or your mobile to 5 minutes or 10 minutes whichever challenge you think you can beat.
3) Your topic is at the foot of this post BUT DO NOT SCROLL DOWN TO SEE IT UNTIL YOU ARE READY WITH A TIMER.
4) Fill the word doc with as much words as you want. once you began writing do not stop even to turn.
5) Do not cheat by going back and correcting spellings and grammar with spell check in MS WORD (it is only meant for you to reflect on your own control of sensible thought flow and for you to reflect on your ability to write the right spelling and stick to grammar rules)
6) You may or may not pay attention to punctuation and capitals. However if you do, it would be best.
7) At the end of your post write down ‘No. Of words =_____’ so that we would have an idea of how much you can write within the time frame.
Do not forget to copy paste the entire passage on your blog post with a new Topic for your nominees and copy paste these rules with your nominations (at least 5 bloggers).

I was given the topic “The Train Journey”. Now here is the topic for my nominees:
“A story I’ve never told”

15 thoughts on “The Train Journey

  1. Such an interesting read! Thanks for the nomination 🙂 Will do this sometime this week, insha’Allah. Should be fun. Haha. 😌

    (PS. I didn’t look at the theme, so I haven’t broken the rules – yet!)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hahaha, i’m glad you didn’t. I actually didn’t see the part that said “do not read the theme” so I kindof cheated 😄. But it was unintentional. Can’t wait to read yours.


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