Quote: “Years From Now”

Quote: “Years From Now”


I have been a Shel Silverstein fan for quite sometime now. The quote above is a poem from one of his poetry collections. I remember the first time I read it, my lips creased into a smile when I got to the line- I hear you laughing and i smile. Isn’t that what we hope to achieve as writers? That hopefully someone, someday, sits on a couch with a cup of tea or coffee, grinning slyly and feeling understood all because of some words we wrote.

Whenever I read a poem that exudes an emotion from me, I feel a strong resolution to try and write something so powerful that someone, someday may feel the same. The poem above is titled, “Years from Now” which is perfect as we just entered a new year. I hope this quote inspires us to write in such ways that our works would be remembered and someone, somewhere would smile at our words, years from now.

Thanks for hanging out at this week’s Writers quote hosted by the wonderful and inspiring Colleen at Silver Threading.

If you are just like me and can’t get enough of Shel Silverstein’s poems, here are a few more I put together in a post a while ago… Have a wonderful read. 🙂

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